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E-GUI Graphic User Interface for 'E'
Version 1.0 Unregistered Demo
Written by Celso Martinho & Miguel Angel
Using Lattice SAS_C 6.2 and ReqTools
from Nico Francois.
Please excuse my uneven english, because it's my foreign language.
But writing this documentation in portuguese would decrease the number
of people who can understand the function of E-GUI and I hate portuguese
descriptions of international spreaded material because of the
non-technical character of my native language. Thanks in advance!
E-GUI was developed under OS3.0 with 2.x includes. It was tested
both in Kickstart/WB 2.x and 3.0 with no problems nor enforcer hits.
There is no reason why it shouldn't work under Kick1.3 but you will
need the asl.library for your ROM version. I know that there is
version for the Wb1.3 but as I didn't found it, I couldn't include it
with this distribution archive.
Also, E-GUI requires reqtools.library in your LIBS: directory. You
can find this library in this pack. In the future, we can re-write
E-GUI to use ONLY reqtools.library and therefore eliminate the need
of asl.library. That would make a lot of 1.3 users happy. Anyway,
if you dont have a 2.x> ROM yet, buy one! Its worth the money!
There isn't much to say about E-GUI, running it is the best way to see
what it does. With E-GUI you no longer need to use the 'E' in a Shell
or CLI window. You can fully take benefits of the Workbench environment
without loosing any 'E' features.
Running E-GUI for the first time shows you a small window that opens
itself at the bottom of your workbench screen. You can see six big
Gadgets that represent the actions you can perform with the program.
Some of those gadgets have also a buttom with a '*' inside (precognition
rules) that will call a ASL filerequester to easy select your favorite
tool. In most cases, you can also hand-edit the string gadgets your
In all the situations, you can replace the sourcename by the %s
variable that is auto-defined in the 'Pick' string gadget. Also,
the .e extention is removed if you use %s in the 'Compile' or 'Debug'
string gadgets. (i.e. CygnusEd %s -KeepIo).
'Edit', 'Compile', 'Debug' and 'Execute' open an Output window just
in case you need any "stdio".
When you exit E-GUI, a configuration file will be saved in your
current directory containing your favorite settings. This way, you
can have diferent configurations for diferent situations. A personal
opinion is to create a diferent drawer for each project and have
E-GUI in it. If you dont want to spend too much disk space with a
E-GUI for each source, write a Script that calls E-GUI from some
directory and associate an Icon to it.
Below the 'Execute' buttom, there is a small string gadget where you
can write the program arguments that will be passed to the executable.
Pressing 'Pick' will open a filerequester where you can select a
new source to work with.
Remember: Allways use .e extension in your sources.
Nothing that we know of. If you find any, write to:
Internet: etcelso@zeus.ua.pt
Fido: Celso_Martinho@2:361/9.1
Postal: P.O.BOX 2037 - 3800 Aveiro - Portugal.
or Fido: Miguel_Angel@2:361/12.1
You like this program and use it a lot. Please send a (US) $15 or
(POR) 1500$00 contribution to the Postal address above given. If we
feel that there is enough people to justify further developing of
E-GUI, we will continue the work with new ideias and sugestions from
you. Please send us an Empty formated disk if you wish to receive
your registered copy of E-GUI with possible new features added.
Thanks for the ____
/ / / AMIGA!
____ / / /'
\ \ \/ / / : For being the best computer ever!
\ \ \/ / ;
\_\_\/ , Now better than never!